Mystery is what sorrounds this great Roman writer. I met Stella on Facebook, through our common passio for fantasy. A very humble person who deserves everything she wishes because it's difficult to meet people like her and I'm proun of know her. If you read her novels, short but intense and with a lot of purport, you'll meet characters and intricate stories of her detective novels and, like me, you'll love her first novel. I'm very honoured, today, to introduce you a new Star!!!
Stella Robi
She was born and grew up in Rome. Some years ago, she moved in a little city on the coast and now, she works in a private sector. She loves reading and dreaming. She speak about her: "Since I was a child, I invented stories, I've always had a huge fantasy and when a story or a thought impressed me, they remained in my mind for a long time. At that moment, I knew that was the moment to take paper and pen... or better, put my Pc on and give life to that thought by a novel.The characters born, the plot takes shape and I know to have set out on a right way".
She took back it some years after and, year by year, that first novel became "Volo a planare", maybe something different as regard how she imagined at 14 years old, but with a strong feeling of friendship and love that she had at that time.
"Like the Moon- la faccia nascosta della luna" is her second book, a detective novel published in instalments on the blog "Verso il Nadir...". On this book, set in an American metropolis, crime, thriller and spy stories are mixed up. "Like the Moon"'s publication finishedon the first days of February and, in an experimental way, Stella realized an ebook with a free download. In the space of two months, the ebook surpassed 2000 downloadings. On April 2011, Stella was contacted by a new ebook publishing house, Siska Editore. A bold and innovative project which captures har. As a consequence, she removed her ebook from downloading, leaving only the first five chapters. Now, it's in course of editing.
"Like the Moon". Plot.
"A mysterious envelope, adark alley on the suburbs, a girl who knows to be trapped. Then, something goes wrong, for guilties and innocents. A game opened towards unforeseen ways".
"Duplice Ipotesi". It's, on the contrary, a classic detective novel. It was a dare for Stella because, as herself says:" like a classic detective novel, I had to allow readers to reach the solution of the mystery giving them the same opportunities as the detective, that is, providing them all the clues but, at the same time, maintaining the enigma intact. Now, the novel is in course of correction, it's nearly ready for the publication.
"Duplice ipotesi". Plot.
"An unexpected murder upsets the quiet of a lakeside country-house. Sara is the only one he could rely on. A motive for all the others and in front of him a double hypothesis".
Stella wrote some short stories and fairy tales. At the moment, she already published six of them on blog and she collected them on an ebook "Racconti- Vol.1" which you can download it for free on Epub and PDF versions. She atarted to write two new books: one is a thriller and the other is a fantasy.
Who is Stella Robi?
Easy question... difficult answer! We could go on with another question, please? No, seriously, I was born and grew up in Rome and only some years ago I moved in a little city on the coast with a wonderful window where you can admire sky an sea together. I live with my husband and my two gorgeous daughters. I work and, in my spare time, I read and write. I chose to introduce myself with a pseudonym because I don't think it's important the author's story but what the author writes.
However, I never read writers, actors or singers' biographies. I'm not interested in what they do on their private lives. I'm charmed by their stories, their interpretations and their music.
Your book is a detective story, why did you choose this genre?
I believe that a mystery soul has always been inside of me. I always loved detective stories and thrillers... sometimes the horror stories, too. I thimk a story, with a suspence component, has a particular fascination, capable to give an emotional charge which helps you to fly at the end of the book. At least, it's what it happens to me!
Are you inspired by someone or a particular story?
No, I'm not. Even if the large number of thriller, action and detective movies and books certainly flare my fantasy up. But as for the rest, no, I hadn't any particular inspiration. To tell the truth, I take inspiration from everything sorrounds me, as it happens for "Like the Moon" in which the inspiration was the fortuity and how it's simple to change the course of events.
How much do your characters embody yourself?
Few or almost everything. Few because I'm anyone of them , nobody truly personifies me; but at the same time, in what I write, there is so much about me! My point of view, my way of thinking: there is a little piece of me in everyone, a part of me in what I write.
Did you propose your book to any editor? If the answer is yes, what did they say?
I'm like a person who would win to Superenalotto and then play it only twice a year. Honestly? I propose them before I closed them in a drawer but I confined myself to publish them on my blog. On December, with a Xmas atmosphere inside me, I thought I was wrong and I sent the first 50 pages of my novel to a famous editor, but 'till now, no answer. Then, without notice, as it happens for the best things, one day Siska Editore contacts and meets me on my blog and, like a train stop ... I go on board.
How much did social networks impress on the spreading of your books?
I don't know exactly. Maybe not very much. What really impress was internet, or better, what permits to do this mean of communication. It gave me the chance to strike to the world and catch me prepared on the train stop.
Will your passion remain a hobby or become a job?
It'll remain a hobby and a passion forever. It's just a moment dedicated to me! I already have a job, or better, two jobs, given that I'm also a mother... the third can absolutely leave a hobby.
What is your dreams?
I've many dreams, one is too few for a whole life. But I cannot divert all your personal questions, isn't it? Well, I can say that everyone of my dreams always contains the word "happiness".
How many time do you need for the drawing up of your books?
Less time I would. I often make it on odd moments or depriving me of sleep. And, unfortunately, i'm not very fast when I write, but, above all, I correct, correct and correct always!!!
Have you any ritual for each manuscript or are you spurred by the feelings of the moment?
No, I have any ritual. I'm definitely spurred by feelings, without feelings I'm able to write nothing.Are your books made by research or fantasy?
For what concern the books I write untill now, there is much fantasy and less research. But I believe it depends very much on the matter or the contest you're dealing with. I've to say, I wouldn't dislike to experiment something which requires a little of study.
What gerne of books do you read? Have you a favourite author?
Connecting again with the question "why did you choose detective stories?", I retain to have read every Agatha Christie, Sir Artur Conan Doyle and Ellery Queen's books but I also love writers like John Grisham, Dan Brown and Patricia Cornwell. On a period of my life, I loved Stephen King, but even if I go on reading his novels, the passion is over... such things will happen even with big loves, isn't it? In short, I haven't an author I particularly like or a genre I absolutely prefer. I like to read, I like to change, I like to try! Actually, I like to read just for relax myself, so, I don't like that heavy and boring essays and sad stories! Perhaps, you could consider them easy books but, in my opinion, a book should contain a story whichshould capture and fascinate me, in one word, I want to dream with it... even though it's a nightmare.
"Volo a planare", the novel you started at 14, as yourself define it, it's a never-ending task. Do you think to finish it, sooner or later?
I hope so... it's in course of revision, do you know? Seriously, I plucked up my courage and now, the novel is nearly finished. I'm too glad and excited because, like many things which are on the point of finish, they could also mark the beginning of something else. And in my case, it could mean a birth of a new book. Among every books I wrote, this is the one I love much more and maybe this is the reason why it's the most preserved. It's a way to keep it always with me.
I simply loved your novel "Il matrimonio". Men, above all, must read it because of their hostility to weddings. Is it an affront or a funny satire?
I retain that, more often that not, things are not as they seem to be and that, clichès are the worst traps on which also a honest person can fall into... then, there are also who have fun, but it's another matter. It's the same case of "Il matrimonio", where one word is enough to make people sure about everything. Often, when I listen this kind of people talk with so much certainty, I observe it and think: But what do you know about it? you know nothing about others' life, about what they think and what they want. For me, it was simple to write "Il matrimonio" because, even if there is nothing about me in the characters, on the contrary, there is all my thoughts and behaviour.
What do you suggest to whom wants to enter upon your same carrier?
Well, it depends on what your project is. I am a coherent person, I don't make compromises. The rest is a consequence of your choises. For me, it's not a priority being a writer or publish my books, it's why I chose the blog, the download for free, etc. What really like me, it's that people read my novels and, during the time of reading, it becomes a piece of life. Now, Siska Editore arrives and I'm very proud because it goes together with my behaviour and my project.Stella started to write two new books. One is a detective story and the other is a fantasy. I read all the novel "Like the moon" that you can read it when Siska Editore will publish it and, believe in me, you will like it. For the moment, I can only say: "Good luck Stella, I hope you could bright on the great names of literature as you deserve.
Translation by Denise Cinquerrui
Going on, you can read the first chapter of "Like the Moon".
Facebook: Stella Robi
Twitter: Stella Robi
Blog: Verso il Nadir…
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